Online Roulette Prediction Chart

Basically, all outcomes of casino games are based on randomly generated numbers. In roulette, it is the roulette wheel which acts as the random number generator. In a dice game like craps, it is the dice that produce the random results. When talking about slot machines, there is actually an electronic device inside the cabinet that dictates how long or how quickly the reels will spin.

You will be trained by an expert Roulette dealer for as long as it takes to make sure you master the system and be able to win. You will be able to do the following: 1-You will get life time support directly from our24/7 available customer support anywhere in the World. Use it to maximise your online winnings and become a roulette guru! Click the image to view a larger version or click below to download the chart for free to use anytime! Download the Roulette Cheat Sheet Using Strategies Online. But online, you can't actually see anything, which makes using an internet roulette strategy that much more complex. Create online graphs and charts. Choose from different chart types, like: line and bar charts, pie charts, scatter graphs, XY graph and pie charts.

In the same vein, online casino games operate in a variety of random number generators (RNG). However, instead of physical objects like wheels or dice, the randomization are being produced via complex computations.

In this article, we asked the question if an online roulette game can be rigged or cheated. In the part of the player, there are those saying that it is actually possible for someone to hack his way into the system and predict the next winning pocket. But is there any basis to the claim?

Understanding RNGs

Before we could verify anything, let us first take a better grasp on Random Number Generation. Online casino games use Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) in particular. PRNGs are based on an algorithm, a complex series of computations, which generates long stream of numbers. These numbers don’t just appear out of nowhere. Instead, the formula needs an initial value, known as the random seed number. From this initial number, the algorithm will then be able to compute lists of numbers.

Sequences of numbers produced by an algorithm can be as small as a few hundreds of places while others can come up with close to 250,000 numbers long.

These algorithms are no secret magic formulas, though. In fact, anyone can find a list of algorithms commonly used in PRNGs online. You might be thinking, if this is the case, then anyone can exploit the information and use them against the establishment. However, what prevents online casinos to go out of business is the seed number which they keep a secret.

Now, unless you have these two factors present, then beating an online roulette game with an algorithm is not possible.

Algorithms in Live Roulette

Unlike an RNG roulette, live roulette has a physical wheel and ball used to determine a winning number. “Algorithms” used to win in live roulette is different from its bot-generated counterpart as it is now based off the science of physics.

Players do it by looking for those faulty tables. To find one, all they have to do is to observe and keep data on how the ball lands on the wheel. These methods, however, have long been thwarted by casinos. These establishments also keep close tabs on the random distribution of the numbers in a specific wheel, and if they sense irregularities, they are quick enough to replace that table.

Online Roulette Algorithm Will Always Fail

Against the house, any online roulette algorithm will fail in the long run. Whether it is for RNG or a live roulette, such algorithms are created using the Martingale betting system. If you can remember from this post, the Martingale system require players to double up their bets until they hit a win.

Using the algorithm and the system may prove to be profitable but only for a very short-term. Down the road, any player is doomed to lose money due to the fact that he doesn’t own an infinite bankroll. Furthermore, online casinos place caps on the maximum bet allowed per game.

Despite the fact that there’s no bulletproof algorithm that anyone could use to beat online roulette, the game can still be quite fun and exciting with some handsome profits on the side.

You wanna know how to play and beat the game the right way? Check out our recommended playing strategies here.

Are you a fan of roulette? Then you must like the online version of the game. Though the game of roulette invented the 17th century, today it has come to the present form after much evolution.

And the online roulette came into the scene around 2000. From the beginning, people are trying to predict roulette result, and there are several stories of scams, cheating, etc.

But, roulette prediction is possible today in a legitimate way through some extraordinary software. So, if you think winning roulette is next to impossible, this is the time to change your idea.

You can increase your chance to win roulette game while playing the online version; you can buy roulette prediction software or seek help to free roulette prediction software.

How Roulette Prediction Software Helps You to Play the Game?

When you are playing roulette, the online roulette prediction software can make you're playing a lot easier, and it can also increase your chance of winning the game.

Once you download the software, you will be told to place the bet on a certain place on it. If the bet wins, you will be rewarded. Isn’t it quite amazing? And the best thing about it is that you can use the software again and again.

As a dedicated player, you should remember that not even the best roulette prediction software can ensure your winning. Roulette is a game of chance and luck, and it is impossible to predict 100% accurately. Still, the genuine roulette prediction software download can ensure winning of hundred dollars or more.

Online Roulette Prediction Chart

It is true, that it won’t make you a millionaire, but the software can make you win enough amount of money to pay your bills. Another great thing about roulette prediction software with free download is that there is no eBook with hundred pages to wade through.

Going through an eBook is tiring as there are lots of pages, multitudes of instructions are boring and memorizing the instructions is confusing and difficult too.

The entire process is time-consuming, and that is always huge work. The roulette software can save you from such irritation, and you can concentrate more on the game.

Using this software is quite easy as you just need to install. Within few moments, you will get accustomed to the system. Finally, you can relax and let the software do all the work.

Prices of Roulette Prediction Software

If you look for the free software, there are plenty. You just need to search on the internet and find the accurate one. There is also the priced version of the software, and the price varies according to the type of the software. But, don’t get disheartened.

There are several types of software which are available only at fifty dollars. You just need to follow certain tips to get the best value of the roulette prediction software:

  • Search over the internet

  • Look for software, which comes with free trial

  • Sometimes, these trials are only for an hour or two but make the full use of it

  • If you are lucky enough, you can win well during these free trial

  • If you make money through such trial, you can have the money to pay for the software.

Isn’t it great? It gives you a great chance to win, and you can get the software at free of cost.

So, from now on, if you think you can never win roulette game ever, don’t lose your heart. Roulette software can help you to increase your chance of winning while playing roulette online.

Online Roulette Prediction Chart 2019

Is It Possible to Predict Roulette?

So far, we have talked about the software that can predict roulette. But, is it possible? From the day of its invention, scientists, gamblers, and mathematicians are trying continuously to find out the formula for winning over the wheel through algorithms and several other methods.

Through the decades, the interest of finding out the appropriate algorithm has only increased, and the game has become stronger over and over.

With the invention of online roulette, people become more dedicated to finding the algorithm once again. The more the game has become stronger, the more improved technologies are coming up to find out the solution of predicting roulette result.

Do These Algorithms Work for Live Roulette?

The main difference between live roulette and online roulette is that there is a presence of the ball in the live roulette at the casino; therefore, the method or formula that you apply at online roulette may not support the casino roulette live.

Online roulette prediction chart 2020

Still, people try to apply physics and mathematics to predict and win roulette at live casinos. But, still, now, no one has become successful in that.

If ever any casino gets any hints that some successful tricks are being applied to any roulette table, they immediately replace it with a new one. One can only win a roulette table if the onsite cameras are not working. Beating the table is not possible, though you can win games.


If the casino ever catches you to do any hanky-panky, it will not only toss you out from the casino, but you will be blacklisted, and your activities will be restricted further at every other land-based casino.

Roulette is one of the earliest casino games that are winning hearts of people for a long time. But, there is a big difference between other table games and roulette, and that is you can’t accurately predict the result here.

Online Roulette Prediction Chart

Online Roulette Prediction Chart Printable

Though it said, that roulette is a game of strategy, luck, and skill, you need to rely more on your luck and chance. You can’t predict on which divisions the ball will end its spin. Many people rely on Gambler’s Fallacy, but that is not also effective.

Online Roulette Prediction Charts

Gambler’s Fallacy is basically about prediction. It says, if you get red for six times consecutively, the next turn will bring black. But, there is no guarantee of it, right?

Online Roulette Prediction Chart 2020

And the Martingale system of it is only about draining your money. So, while playing online, you can take help from the software, but the live casino is the only game of chance.