Casino Vision Statement

Our Vision declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. Our Vision is to be the leading gaming, entertainment and hospitality company in our chosen markets by providing superior entertainment value and exceptional experiences.

Gambling vision statements examples
  1. Mission Statement We strive to create memorable, beautiful, fun games that engage and delight gamers worldwide. We aim for games that capture the imaginations of all types of people, as our goal is to include, not exclude: experienced gamers, new gamers, solo gamers, partners, larger groups, people of all races, genders, creeds, cultures.
  2. A vision statement for a company or organization focuses on the potential inherent in the company's future; it’s about what they intend to be. While a vision statement might contain references to how the company intends to make that future into a reality, the 'how' is really part of a mission statement.
  3. Read the mission and vision statements of Omni Hotels & Resorts, which puts the needs of guests, associates and owners in the forefront of everything we do.

We strive to create memorable, beautiful, fun games that engage and delight gamers worldwide. We aim for games that capture the imaginations of all types of people, as our goal is to include, not exclude: experienced gamers, new gamers, solo gamers, partners, larger groups, people of all races, genders, creeds, cultures, nations, sexualities, and ages. We also seek to add value to our fellow creators in a way that extends beyond board games by sharing our entrepreneurial successes, mistakes, and insights.

Stonemaier Games is a tabletop game publisher run by Jamey Stegmaier with the support of co-founder Alan Stone, Director of Communications Joe Aubrey, Director of Sales Alex Schmidt, and a myriad of talented independent contractors, volunteers, and fans. Based in St. Louis and distributed worldwide, Stonemaier Games’ brands include Viticulture, Euphoria, Between Two Cities, Scythe, Charterstone, My Little Scythe, Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Wingspan, Tapestry, and Pendulum.

Guiding Principles

  • Personal attention to backers/fans: treat backers as people, not numbers
  • Make every game a unique, fun, engaging social experience
  • No exclusive content–we want to include people, not exclude them
  • Focus on strategy and event games
  • Extensive playtesting, both in-person and blind
  • Top-notch graphic design and art
  • High-quality components
  • All games playable and enjoyable with as few as 1 player and at least 5 or 6 players
  • Create stories and memorable moments through our games

12 Tenets of Board Game Design for Stonemaier Games

  1. Quick beginning and organic end: Streamlined setup with (at most) minimal pre-game choices, and an organic end-game trigger (we’re generally not drawn to games with a set number of rounds, though there are instances–particularly in engine-building games like in Wingspan–where they provide a better experience than a race to the finish).
  2. Ability to plan ahead before taking your turn (you shouldn’t have to wait for the previous player to complete their turn to be able to decide what you’re doing on your turn).
  3. Limited analysis paralysis with choices displayed on player mats, game board, etc. This also manifests in a reasonable amount of information on display, not dozens of cards and tiles with detailed text that players need to read from across the table.
  4. Tension, not hostility. We like to limit the potential for spite while still encouraging various forms of interaction.
  5. Interesting choices are better than luck. If there are elements of randomness, players should be able to make decisions based on random input (instead of, say, rolling dice to determine the outcome). Agency is very important; it means that players have control over their fate.
  6. Rewards and forward momentum, not punishment and backwards movement. Players should feel like they’ve progressed during the game to a superior position than at the beginning, and the mechanisms should support this (i.e., engine building).
  7. Intuitive to learn and retain. The design of the game should take into account the accessibility and learning experience–ideally, new players can be presented with a few core rules and start to take turns due to the presentation and order of operations. Retention should also be a factor, enabled by few to no rules exceptions.
  8. Strong connection between theme and mechanisms. Mechanisms should be designed to keep players immersed in the game instead of reminding them they’re playing a game. Two key examples of mechanisms that don’t do this are phases and action checklists. There are much better, more thematic ways of showing players what they can do on their turn.
  9. The potential for dramatic, memorable moments in a game is difficult to achieve, but it’s a huge plus when the game allows and encourages them to happen.
  10. Board games are tactile experiences. We love games with some type of appealing, exciting component. It can be as simple as the cardboard Tetris-style pieces in Patchwork or as complex (yet important) as the wheels in Tzolk’in.
  11. Variable factors to create replayability–you can’t play the same exact game twice, even if you try.
  12. Multiple paths to victory. Various game subsystems should be equal in their ability to reach the winning criteria.

A vision statement is an idea or concept that explains a person or company's target goals or desired future of the company, that inspire both the customers and employees to work towards that future goal. Vision statements describe the future goals of a company or individual in a few short powerful sentences or key points. Not to be confused with a mission statement (they serve complementary purposes, but are not the same), vision statements do not describe how to accomplish your future goals, but only serve as a reminder of what those goals are.

Vision statement examples can also provide insight on how to write your own vision statement by reading vision statement examples of companies, corporations, personal vision statements, etc and noting the differences in each.

Some Vision Statement Guidelines

Vision statements are often as unique as the companies they are written for, but there are a few guidelines to follow. These are:

  • Vision statements are typically written for future goals, usually five to ten years in the future, and sometimes even longer periods.
  • Vision statements focus on a specific desired result.
  • Vision statements are simple, easy to understand and follow.

Vision Statement Ideas

Writing a vision statement requires planning and thought from all of the people involved in determining the company's future goals and dreams. Having a common goal and understanding what all the company leaders want for the company will help in writing a vision statement that directly represents the company. Vision statements help to define the purpose of a company by stating the values that a company hopes to achieve. This vision statement should be a clear explanation of what is expected from employees and inspire them to give their best efforts for the company. This vision statement, shared with customers, should assure them that this is the best company for them to work with.

Your vision statement should be about what you hope your company will become, these words need to be something that all members of your company, from the president of the company to the customers it serves cause feel proud to be a part of. This vision statement should encompass and stretch beyond a company's current capabilities and shape the direction of that company's future.

Example of a mission statement

Mission statements, not to be confused with a vision statement, define what a company's purpose is and its primary objectives - not future goals. Mission statements are meant for the internal heart of the company and are targeted at the leaders of the company. Vision statements, also define the purpose of a company, but focus more on the values of the company and its future promises.


Sample Vision Statements

Vision statements can vary in length, while some can be many paragraphs or even pages long, most vision statements are typically short, only a few sentences. Reading the example vision statements provided or researching additional vision statements can help you on the path to writing your own vision statement for your company.

Some example vision statements:

Microsoft Corporation:

'Create experiences that combine the magic of software with the power of Internet services across a world of devices.'

'Our vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.'

Proctor & Gamble

'Be, and be recognized as, the best consumer products and services company in the world.'

And finally an example of a longer vision statement:

Coca Cola:

Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth

  • People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
  • Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.
  • Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.
  • Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities.
  • Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.
  • Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

'Our goal is to provide exceptional, fast and reliable service.'

Chapman Holmes Catering

'It is the Chapman Holmes vision to provides each and every one of our clients with an excellent service based on a friendly but professional approach. We are devoted to giving personal attention to every detail of our clients' requirements, no matter how small. We draw on our flexibility and vast experience to guarantee the success of every event we undertake. We are committed to high standards in both the quality of our food and the quality of our service.'

ABC Company Helpdesk Vision Statement
  • To be our customer's advocate and single point of contact for all IT support issues in the face of rapidly changing technology.
  • To strive for continuous improvement by measuring our performance against our customers' expectations and industry standards.
  • To empower and educate our customers with self-service tools and solutions.
  • To achieve world-class status by establishing an 80% or higher First Call Resolution Rate and a 5% or less Abandonment Rate.

University of Bradford Helpdesk Vision Statement

'To be seen as delivering professional, economic, cutting edge solutions with an enthusiastic, pro-active customer focused approach.'

FCC Youth Ministry Vision Statement

Crown Casino Vision Statement

'We're working together bringing youth to God by showing them Christ!'

Blessed Sacrament Parish

Gambling Vision Statements Examples

'The vision of the Blessed Sacrament Youth Ministry is to let the young people of our community know that they matter, and to provide them with a space where they are welcomed, heard, and accepted into a spiritual family that will not judge them.'